Baller's Guide


21 Basketball Shooting Drills to Become a Better Shooter

“What are some good basketball shooting drills?” is a common question among both newbie and veteran basketball players.

Which makes sense when you think about it.

After all, if you kept using the same basketball shooting drills at practice, chances are high that you’ve already gotten bored of the same old routine.

So if you’re looking for tips on how to get better at shooting basketball, these 21 shooting drills for basketball practice should amp things up for you.

Let’s start!

The secret of great basketball shooters

Ask any basketball enthusiast, and pretty much most—if not all of them—would agree that the panache of a basketball player is mirrored in their shooting capabilities.

In fact, you can observe this from players like Ray Allen and Stephen Curry.

With their exemplary shooting percentage, it’s no surprise that many basketball player wannabes look up to these basketball shooting greats.

And the secret to their great shooting skills?

Great shooting routines that can improve your game by improving your form and consistency.

For example, newbie and young basketball players can become better basketball shooters by learning drills related to shooting progressions. Meanwhile, more advanced players can use basketball shooting drills for warm-up and refinement of their shooting techniques.

15 different types of basketball shooting drills

1) Form-shooting drills

The following shooting drills for basketball practice should help you develop your shooting technique and minimize any margin of error.

a. One-hand form shooting drill

This basketball shooting drill is nothing new, but it’s still an important one to remember for building your foundation.

To get this shooting drill for basketball practice right, make sure your position is firm and balanced.

Check also that your feet are about shoulder width apart and consistently stagger slightly or turn in a way that won’t hinder your performance.

After that, get your shooting arm in an L position and concentrate on pushing the ball up and through your fingers.

If you’re confused how that would look like, it simply means that you should be able to push the ball either with your index finger or your index pointing at the hoop.

It may be different for every player, though, so it’s important to find which finger would be more convenient for you in this position.

Bear in mind also that your elbow should be positioned above eye level by the time the ball is out of your grasp.

If you properly follow these shooting drills for basketball practice, you can expect that the ball will properly backspin.

b. One-hand form shooting drill with guide hand

For this basketball shooting drill, all you need to work on is the use of your guide hand near the side of the ball, not in front of or behind it.

This is extremely vital since athletes tend to overuse their guide hand to the point that many basketball players end up shooting to the right or left.

However, if you can eliminate that tendency, rest assured that you’ll automatically become a more prolific shooter.

c. Set to go drill

One of the most essential but often misused or under-emphasized drills, set-to-go helps you properly coordinate how you move your lower body so that you can develop a full form while shooting in motion.

To do this, stand away from the basket and make sure your arm makes a 90-degree angle. The ball should already be positioned near your shoulder as well.

Once you’re ready, extend your legs and simultaneously shoot. Repeat this properly five to 10 times before taking a step back.

Otherwise, it’ll take you much longer to learn how to shoot right if you just do this progression for the sake of doing it.

d. Tuck to set drill

This basketball shooting drill emphasizes the timing of having your foot hit the ground as soon as the ball hits your set point.

This trains you to move your ball first before extending your legs to jump.

No pressure, though, since you can start slow and speed up little by little.

e. Tuck to go drill

Once you’ve got the rhythm and timing from the previous form-shooting drill right, the next shooting drill for basketball that you need to learn is tuck-to-go.

While timing is still important for this progression, the emphasis is more on being able to move fluidly while making the shot from start to finish.

f. Shooting off the pass drill

This is the final form-shooting drill you need to learn once you’re sure you’ve got the rhythm and timing down to pat.

It encompasses all the basketball shooting drills from earlier and integrates them in one motion.

g. Picking up the ball and shooting off the dribble form-shooting drill

This is a crucial basketball shooting drill that teaches you to shoot off the dribble using the correct footwork while remaining balanced.

This is especially helpful for basketball players who frequently end up off-balance when they shoot after dribbling.

2) Quick-release shooting drills

If you want to further develop your capacity, form, motion, and speed, these are some of the best quick-release basketball shooting drills you have to practice.

a. 1 vs. 1 to 3 vs. 3 close-out drill

What makes this basketball shooting drill important for improving your quick releases is the fact that it lets you play with a live defense.

Playing against someone while defending the ball will always help you develop your shooting skills.

b. Changing spots drill

This shooting drill is brilliant for letting you develop your ability to use the court from different spots and still maintain your shooting percentage while under pressure and at game speed.

c. Partner form-shooting drill

One of the shooting drills for basketball that players need to learn from a young age, this drill lets you develop a quick-shot release and correct your form.

All you need to do is find a partner to team up with and shoot the ball to each other for a short amount of time.

d. Soft-and-hard close-out with defense drill

This drill will help you polish up your basketball shooting skills even further since you can practice with a defender moving out.

3) Dynamic form-shooting drills

Young players and even some professional players may find these dynamic form-shooting drills for basketball practice too advanced.

However, if you want to learn how to get better at shooting basketball, these are fitting drills for preparing for pre-game.

a. 360-degree dance steps

This basketball shooting drill is an excellent recommendation for players who wish to develop their foot coordination mid-shooting.

b. One-foot-jump drill

Similar to a plyometric exercise, this shooting drill for basketball helps you stabilize your core.

It is also very helpful for developing each of your legs and improving your jumping ability as well as the explosiveness of your vertical jumps.

c. One-foot-reach drill

If you’re looking for a way to practice high follow-throughs as well as shoulder extensions while making your shots, this is a great shooting drill just for that.

d. Single leg squat drill

Improve your balance even during mid-shots with the single-leg squat drill.

Not only does it improve your core strength, but you can also stabilize your muscles.

Frequently asked questions about basketball shooting drills

What should I bring to basketball training?

Plenty of things! In fact, if you haven’t read our blog yet, some of our best basketball training aids and equipment include a rubber basketball, shooting strap, dribble stick, and ball hog gloves, among other things.

How should a beginner train for basketball?

Our beginner’s guide to getting started in basketball should be helpful.

In that blog, we outlined the preparations you need to make, such as getting into the correct gear and warming up the proper way.

How long does it take to develop left-hand shooting basketball drills?

There are various basketball drills that can help you train your left hand.

But the length of time it will take will depend on how consistent and committed you are to dribbling fluidly with both hands.

Curious what are the best basketball drills for youth who have trouble shooting with one hand?

We will tackle it in our next blog.

‘Til our next article!

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