For most indoor/outdoor basketballs, the recommendation is pretty simple: use it indoors almost all of the time. It is rare for one of these balls to be recommended for consistent outdoor use. The Under Armour 495 indoor/outdoor basketball is one of the exceptions to the rule. With its 80% nylon windings for shape retention and 100% rubber bladder for maximum air retention, you’ll receive an authentic playing experience with every dribble.
This basketball does have a deep channel design that can be somewhat irritating if you’re not used to it. You’ll receive more spin with each shot, which can take some time getting used to having. Over time, however, we found that this ball stands up to some pretty tough conditions.
Why Choose the Under Armour 495?
Many outdoor basketballs don’t give you the same feel of gameplay that indoor basketballs tend to provide. Because of this, they’re often treated as a recreational ball at best. The look, feel, and bounce of the Under Armour 495 is authentic in every way, even when it is being used in an outdoor environment. It feels just as good at the park or in the driveway as it does when you bring it to the gym.
Outdoor basketballs also tend to overcompensate in terms of the grip that they apply to the cover of the ball. More grip allows the ball to still be used in wetter conditions, but in dry conditions, this creates a ball that almost feels “sticky” to the hand. We didn’t experience that problem at all when using the 495.
The composite leather cover is also one of the best that we found at this price range. It is comparable, in fact, to the professional quality basketballs that are sometimes priced above $100. Of course the longevity of the ball will be better if it is primarily used indoors instead of outdoors, but that is true for virtually any basketball of this type.
Our Notes from Playing with the Under Armour 495
The first impression this basketball provides is one of the best in the business. Some balls make you wonder if you could ever make a basket. This ball looks like an authentic game ball through-and-through. You want to use this basketball when you see it.
We found that the ball tends to feel just a touch heavy compared to other models of a similar quality. The reaction of the ball in the cylinder is consistent and predictable, so box out and grab your rebound with confidence.
When this ball gets wet, it will get just a bit slick if your palm is a bit sweaty at the same time. It’s not something that changes gameplay with the ball, but if you’re expecting an absolutely firm grip at all times, this ball doesn’t provide it. The 495 logo makes this issue a little worse.
Overall, we found the Under Armour 495 to be an inviting basketball that longs for an outdoor rim. Pick it up today and you won’t be disappointed.
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